Curriculum Vitae of Gabriel Ilie Print | Word version
Personal Information
Name :
Surname :
Date of birth :
Nationality :
Civil status :
Education :
Telephone :
E-mail :
Language skills
Language Spoken Written
English Fluent Fluent
French Medium Medium
Italian Medium Medium
 Computer-specific Knowledge
Operating systems :
Windows NT/2000/XP, Windows 95/98
Programming languages :
Php, Perl, Asp, JavaScript, HTML, Flash ,
C/C++, VisualBASIC
Database :
MySql, Access
Personal productivity tools :
Word, Excel, PowerPoint
Graphic :
Fireworks, Photoshop
Web-server :
Apache HTTP Server, Microsoft IIS
 Professional experience
Current position :

Web developer Ok Service Corporation Romania
Years within current position: 1

Date Location Company Position Description
feb 2001-
may 2004
Ploiesti Sc Midolenet SRL Software/Web developer Development of IT software and web projects
may 2004-
Ploiesti Sc OK Service Corporation SRL Web developer Development of web projects
Ulei rosa moscheta
nightlife portal : php, mysql
Training & development : php mysql
nightlife portal : php, mysql
e-market : perl, php mysql
Prevention and recovery of oil spills on soils and
waters – rivers, lakes and along the shorelines Fuel savings and enviroment protection
Construction Factory